Week 10

This week a pic of what Jr. should look like. ...I know, he's really not that cute. Anyhow - The big news is that Jen has procured a prescription of Zofran which has made her life (and mine) about 239 times easier. Seriously though, folks, Jen has been nothing but a trooper so far. I've told her several times that if it were ME that had to go to the emergency room with a severe migraine, was up at 2AM to vomit, was limited to a diet of crackers and cranberry juice (for the bladder infection she's currently battling)... I'd be crying like a little school girl with no thoughts or intentions of hiding my suffering from anyone. But none of this is new; Jen is an incredibly strong woman. ...and I am a little school girl.
We've talked about names and yes, we are planning to find out the sex but primarily our thoughts and prayers have been with the health of the baby. We've obviously made the pregnancy public sooner than some would, but things looked good at the 8-week ultrasound and I'm not known for my tight lips...
Ryan seems to understand that he will have a little brother or sister coming soon and that it is "sleeping" in mommy's belly. He wants a little sister. I want 10 fingers and toes. I also have a sincere hope that the Trujillo nose dies with me.
Love to all,