Week 32
Good people, Jen had a visit last Friday that went very well. Jen is just done with this pregnancy. She is talking about ways to make the baby come early and quite frankly, I don't blame her. Her belly does a loose rendition of River Dance twice a day and one can set their watch to the 9:30pm show. When young Desdemona isn't Michael Flatlying, she's reenacting that scene in Rocky where a Philadelphia news team is doing a story about Rocky. They are talking him up while he works over a room full of cow carcasses, unfettered by their presence. ...except, of course, baby is using Jen's ribs for her punching bag. She, likewise, is heedless to our pleas for her to stop. So, while Jen complains, I can do nothing but TRY to give her enough sympathy. I know I said I'd get creative with this pic but we had 3 kids in the house (more on this below) at the time of the pic so time wouldn't allow it. We have our second 3-D ultrasound appointment this Saturday. Let's all hope we get better pics than the last time.

We also baby sat two toddlers belonging to one of Jen's friends this week. It was great fun but it spawned conversation about the ideal size of our own family. It was obvious from 4 hours of having 3 kids in the house that 3 kids is not the work of 1 kid times 3. It's closer to the work of 1 kid times 50... I included a couple pics of this experience. And no, Justus is not pooping on our bed, I just caught him in a compromising position.
(Ryan is in character; playing the part of Mary Jane in this photo is Olivia Shimanski)
(Young Justus in his middle linebacker stance)