And, She's here...
What's the quote? "The road to hell is paved with good intentions..." Well, I fully intended to get another post out here before the baby was born with all kinds of pics and anecdotal quips but that obviously didn't happen. Sorry, but not really sorry.
Paige Judith Stratton, a.k.a. "P.J." or "Noogies", was born on Friday, July 25th (3 days after her dad's birthday) at 11:45 AM. She was 7 lbs, 6 ozs. and measured 19 inches. Jen and baby are doing well and here are some pics of our first 2 days at home. She has LOTS of hair and Ryan and Sophie both love having her around. So far...
These are not the best pics we have but we took most of the hospital photos on Jen's sister's camera so I won't be able to post some of them til later in the week so if you'd like to see more, check back later. Also, click on the pics to see them enlarged.
smoke 'em if you got 'em,

This is a pic of Sophie when she was less than 1 week old for comparison...
Paige Judith Stratton, a.k.a. "P.J." or "Noogies", was born on Friday, July 25th (3 days after her dad's birthday) at 11:45 AM. She was 7 lbs, 6 ozs. and measured 19 inches. Jen and baby are doing well and here are some pics of our first 2 days at home. She has LOTS of hair and Ryan and Sophie both love having her around. So far...
These are not the best pics we have but we took most of the hospital photos on Jen's sister's camera so I won't be able to post some of them til later in the week so if you'd like to see more, check back later. Also, click on the pics to see them enlarged.
smoke 'em if you got 'em,
This is a pic of Sophie when she was less than 1 week old for comparison...