20 Week Pics of... some random stuff
I think the medical community is having some fun with me. I think they know I have a blog and are determined to play with me a bit. It's the only explanation I can give for the fact that during the ultrasound, Jen and I were witness to some incredibly breath-taking and humbling images of a new life struggling to exist. Yet, when it comes time to burn these images on a CD, the ultrasound technician (without asking for input from us) decides to send us home with the following nonsensical renderings... Enjoy these for what they are and please, use the explanation below each pic before wasting too much time attempting to decipher any of them.
This is either whale blubber, Jell-o with fruit chunks, or a soggy bowl of Cheerios.
I believe the technician bumped the machine immediately before this shot, misaligning it's calibration. This is the height-adjusting mechanism of the table Jen was laying on positioned about 2 feet below Jen's butt.
This is a cell from an old Itchy & Scratchy episode of the Simpsons (titled: "Itchy discovers the Tijuana gold") that originally aired on Sept. 21st, 1993 but was never approved for syndication.
This is a shot of the wallpaper when the ultrasound tech and I got into a physical altercation while comparing the amount of talent on the Vikings 53-man roster and Brett Favre's toe jam.
Ok - these aren't that awful. But seriously, good people, these pics don't hold a candle to some of the pics she didn't give us: including a wonderful pic of the heart where one could distinctly see all four chambers. Why would you not include that?!?
The call back from the Dr. was excellent (the wait for the call-back is why it took me a week to post this). He said everything looked normal and THE PREVIA IS GONE. This was never a real medical emergency, but it's one less thing we have to think about. Young Fraubleucha is breech, though. So one step ahead, one step behind because as you probably know, if she's breech at delivery it's a free pass to Club C-Section.
In case I don't post before - I hope your holidays are chock-full of hearty glee.

Ok - these aren't that awful. But seriously, good people, these pics don't hold a candle to some of the pics she didn't give us: including a wonderful pic of the heart where one could distinctly see all four chambers. Why would you not include that?!?
The call back from the Dr. was excellent (the wait for the call-back is why it took me a week to post this). He said everything looked normal and THE PREVIA IS GONE. This was never a real medical emergency, but it's one less thing we have to think about. Young Fraubleucha is breech, though. So one step ahead, one step behind because as you probably know, if she's breech at delivery it's a free pass to Club C-Section.
In case I don't post before - I hope your holidays are chock-full of hearty glee.
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